
Invitation and welcoming of Ideas and Venture plans

Applications are invited from aspiring students/entrepreneurs having novel and commercially viable ideas to set up their units at PRSUIF. These ideas/plans are validated with the aid of AI and industry experts.

Development of PoC, MVP and Prototype

The center assists in establishing proof of concept from submitted ideas and developing minimum viable product/prototype. The center further assist in converting them into successful commercial businesses in a self-sustaining manner.

Viability study

The center evaluates the viability of the products/service on various parameters and indicators. The center also help provide technical knowhow to selected ventures to become efficient and competent venture models so that they become eligible for formal funding support from donors, philanthropists, network partners and investors.

Comprehensive business plan

  • Shortlisted applicants submit their business plans to the Selection Committee.
  • The center makes every effort to ensure the utmost success of the venture.

Acceleration program

  • The center offers an active acceleration program in addition to incubation support to new proposed businesses in order to stimulate and support start-up ventures in becoming autonomous and self-sustaining over time.
  • In addition, PRSUIF host activities like brainstorming sessions to facilitate rapid expansion.


We aid the ventures in raising capital. We link firms and entrepreneurs with investors through various fundraising stages, including seed investment, etc. Mentors help and support them in building a Prototype or MVP (minimum viable product) and further help them in POC and Pilot run their business with corporate support and assist them in Go To market strategy in order to grow their business. PRSUIF conducts both virtual and physical mentorship programs at the institution. We engage experts whenever the government introduces new policies/schemes for proper handholding and mentoring.


  • Early-Stage Startups/Entrepreneurs are provided with mentoring support under various programs.
  • In addition, we assist in developing pitch decks for investors.

Successful off boarding/exits

  • After 24-hour supervision and constant handholding, the thriving incubatees are ready to exit the center and enter the market.
  • In a timely manner, PRSUIF off boards the incubatees through various exits including initial public offering (IPO), etc.